His Majesty King Charles III remains The Patron of The Campaign for Wool


The Campaign for Wool in Canada is delighted that HM The King remains as The Patron, supporting the Campaign and its educational activities and events aimed at challenging the rise of toxic synthetic fibres in the worlds of fashion, interiors, and the built environment.

HM the King has been an advocate for Climate, Community, Commonwealth, and Culture for many decades, and the work of the Campaign aligns perfectly with his values. As climate change and plastic overconsumption crises become more acute, wool is uniquely positioned thanks to its qualities as a natural, biodegradable and renewable fibre with a wide array of applications.

Click here to learn more about His Majesty’s commitment to sustainable agriculture and rural livelihoods. Visit the global website of The Campaign for Wool to learn about the organization’s work in other countries.


The Campaign for Wool in Canada turns 10!


Celebrating wool from Farm to Fashion at the IWTO 2024 Congress is Adelaide, Australia